SMS Configuration Guide


CloudOnex Business Suite provides SMS functionality for sending notifications, alerts, and communications to customers. This guide covers SMS configuration, available drivers, and troubleshooting steps.

SMS Drivers Configuration

Nexmo (Vonage)


  • Active Nexmo/Vonage account
  • API Key and Secret from Nexmo Dashboard

Configuration Steps

  1. Navigate to SMS → Settings
  2. Select "Nexmo" from the driver list
  3. Configure the following:
    • Sender ID: Your company name (max 11 characters) or phone number
    • API Key: Your Nexmo API key
    • API Secret: Your Nexmo API secret
  4. Click "Save"



  • Twilio account
  • Account SID and Auth Token
  • Verified Twilio phone number

Configuration Steps

  1. Go to SMS → Settings
  2. Select "Twilio" from the driver list
  3. Enter:
    • SID: Your Twilio Account SID
    • Token: Your Twilio Auth Token
    • From Number: Your Twilio phone number
  4. Save configuration

Route SMS / Route Mobile


  • Route SMS account
  • API credentials

Configuration Steps

  1. Access SMS → Settings
  2. Choose "Routesms" as the driver
  3. Enter the following details:
    • HTTP API URL: Your Route SMS API endpoint
    • Username: Route SMS username
    • Password: Route SMS password
  4. Save settings



  • Infobip account
  • API credentials and endpoint

Configuration Steps

  1. Navigate to SMS → Settings
  2. Select "Infobip" from drivers
  3. Configure:
  4. Save configuration

Custom SMS Gateway Integration

Configuration Format

  1. Select "Custom" as SMS driver
  2. Configure the HTTP endpoint:
    API URL:
  3. Set parameters using placeholders:

Parameter Guidelines

  • Use double equals (==) for parameter assignment
  • Separate parameters with commas
  • Available placeholders:
    • {{to}} - Recipient number
    • {{from}} - Sender ID
    • {{message}} - SMS content

Testing SMS Configuration

Test Message Steps

  1. Go to SMS → Settings
  2. Enter a test phone number
  3. Click "Send Test SMS"
  4. Check delivery status
  5. Verify SMS logs

Troubleshooting Test Messages

If test message fails:

  1. Verify API credentials
  2. Check phone number format
  3. Review error logs
  4. Confirm account balance
  5. Test API endpoint accessibility

SMS Features

Bulk SMS

Send messages to multiple recipients:

  1. Go to SMS → Bulk SMS
  2. Upload recipient list or select contacts
  3. Compose message
  4. Schedule or send immediately
  5. Monitor delivery status

SMS Templates

Create reusable message templates:

  1. Navigate to SMS → Templates
  2. Click "Add New Template"
  3. Enter template name
  4. Compose message with variables
  5. Save template