Business Suite

Localization Settings Guide


CloudOnex Business Suite can be configured for different languages, date formats, time zones, and regional preferences. This guide covers all localization settings to help you adapt the system to your local requirements.

Language Configuration

Available Languages

CloudOnex supports numerous languages including:

Language ISO Code Region
English (USA) en United States
English (UK) en_gb United Kingdom
English (AU) en_au Australia
español es Spanish
français fr French
Deutsch de German
italiano it Italian
português pt Portuguese
русский ru Russian
日本語 ja Japanese
中文 zh Chinese
العربية ar Arabic

Setting System Language

  1. Navigate to Settings → Localization Settings
  2. Select default system language
  3. Click Save Changes

User-Specific Language

Users can set their preferred language:

  1. Click profile menu in top right
  2. Select "Edit Profile"
  3. Choose preferred language
  4. Save changes

Date and Time Settings

Time Zone Configuration

  1. Go to Settings → Localization Settings
  2. Select your time zone from the dropdown
  3. Save changes

Date Format Settings

Available date formats:

  • YYYY-MM-DD (2024-01-31)
  • DD-MM-YYYY (31-01-2024)
  • MM-DD-YYYY (01-31-2024)
  • DD.MM.YYYY (31.01.2024)
  • DD/MM/YYYY (31/01/2024)

To configure:

  1. Choose preferred format from dropdown
  2. Set date separator (- / .)
  3. Save changes

Time Format

Choose between:

  • 24-hour format (14:30)
  • 12-hour format (2:30 PM)

Number Formatting

Decimal Settings


  1. Decimal separator (. or ,)
  2. Thousand separator (, or .)
  3. Number of decimal places
  4. Digit grouping style

Example configurations:

  • US Style: 1,234.56
  • European Style: 1.234,56

Currency Display

Set currency display preferences:

  1. Symbol position (before/after amount)
  2. Space between symbol and amount
  3. Decimal places for currency
  4. Currency symbol display style

Regional Settings

Business Location

  1. Set primary business location
  2. Configure regional business number format
  3. Set local tax system
  4. Enable relevant regional features

Address Format

Configure address display order:

  1. Street address
  2. City/Town
  3. State/Province
  4. Postal/ZIP code
  5. Country

Example formats:

US Format:
Street Address
City, State ZIP

UK Format:
Street Address
Postal Code

Customizing Language Files

Editing Translations

  1. Locate language files in system/i18n/
  2. Create override file:
    • Rename system/overrides/i18n.sample.php to i18n.php
    • Add custom translations

Example override:

return [
    'invoice' => 'Custom Invoice Text',
    'payment' => 'Custom Payment Text'

Adding New Languages

  1. Copy en.php from system/i18n/
  2. Rename to new language code
  3. Translate contents
  4. Add language to system settings

Calendar Settings

Week Configuration


  • First day of week
  • Working days
  • Weekend days
  • Holiday calendar

Business Hours


  1. Business day start time
  2. Business day end time
  3. Break times
  4. Time slots

Document Templates

Localized Templates

Customize for each language:

  1. Invoice templates
  2. Quote templates
  3. Email templates
  4. PDF documents

Variable Placeholders

Use localized variables: